Reference: 1982

Brand: Kimberfeel

Kimberfeel Miage

Discover the MIAGE model, a recovery shoe for men and women. This mold has been specially designed to offer you the best in comfort. She is extremely light Easy to put on and take off, it can be used as recovery shoes.

Price €36.40 Regular price €45.50
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Reference: 1917

Brand: Sidas

Sidas TRAIL+ Salomon

SIDAS X SALOMON TRAIL RUNNING TEAM COLLABORATION The Trail + SIDAS x Team Salomon insole is innovatively designed to meet the demands of ultra-distance. Co-developed by Team Salomon trail running athletes and foot comfort specialists SIDAS, this collaboration has been meticulously designed to offer the perfect balance of non-slip surface, long-lasting...

Price €38.97 Regular price €59.95
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Reference: 2431

Brand: Accapi


Accapi’s ergonomic knee guard has a differentiated compression structure to provide protection and support in the event of injuries, sprains and traumas, in particular when participating in sports such as skiing, football, tennis, rugby and basketball, where physical impact and the required movements result in frequent, intense stress on the joint....

Price €82.00
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Reference: 836

Brand: Lurbel

Mountain ski socks Lurbel Fuji

Bmax unisex socks specifically designed for trekking at low temperatures. The structure and composition of these socks help to fight the main causes of blisters, which result from overheating, moisture and friction. Its protective and ergonomic structure ESP reinfor­ces these areas where the friction with the trekking shoes is highest

Price €17.95
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Reference: 782

Brand: Ferrino

X-track Case

X-Track Case is the handy extra storage pocket designed for use on the X-Track backpack range but suitable for all Ferrino backpacks. 

Price €12.90
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Snowshoe Lys Special


Lys is the perfect snowshoe for excursionists wanting to go out on all types of terrain and snow. The angled side profile guarantees a total grip, even on steep slopes or reverse slopes, as well as being an aid on fresh snow, where the special angle increases the weight-bearing surface for an excellent slide action. 

All Ferrino snowshoes are part of the Baldas line, 100% Made in Italy, and designed and developed at the Turin plant.

€104.30 Save 30%
Tax included


Weight: 1.9

Average size: 57.6x21.6 cm

Capacity: 100 kg

Patented Castor Special binding system with fast front fastening and size adjustment using a lever on the heel. Top fastening with padded loop and ratchet adjustment.

Front crampons, with 3-point toe claw

Crampons on the bottom front surface of the shoe (6x2)

The front of the shoe is shaped with sawn ribbing to give a firmer grip to every step over the terrain

Shaped rear frame with specialhandle for carrying

Heel lift

Suitable for shoe sizes from 34 to 48

Materials selected to guarantee the best compromise between hardwearing quality and light weight, maintaining the characteristics of the shoe unchanged, even at low temperatures (-20°C)

Snowshoe bag included

WEIGHT (Kg/g) 1.9 kg (al paio / per pair)


 57.6x21.6 cm

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Marca: Xero

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